Dick de Hoog
July 10, 2013
Alternate Camp Name
Camp Location
The Dick de Hoog-School was an elementary school of the Indo-Europese Schoolvereniging (IEV – Indo-European Union vocational school), located on Tjiliwoengstraat (street) in the northeastern part of the city, between Riouwstraat and Tjiliwoengstraat, just southeast of Tjitaroemplein (square and camp).
The camp was housed within the school premises and some outbuildings. The camp was surrounded by barbed wire and gedek.
Camp Guards
Native police personnel
Date | Arrived from | Transferred to | Number in Transport | Total Number in Camp | Individual Type |
Nov. xx, 1942 (1) | Surrounding Areas | 550 | 550 | b m |
Feb. 15, 1944 | Tjimahi: Baros 5 | 550 | 0 | b m |
Abbreviations / Notes
b=boys, m=men
(1) And the following months.
Beekhuis, H. et al – Atlas Bersaipkampen, 2009, p. 75 (events during the Bersiap period)
Dulm, J. van et al – Atlas Japanse Kampen, Volume I, 2000, pp. 116 (location indicated), 119
Voskuil, R.P.G.A. – Bandoeng, Beeld van een stad, 1996, pp. 79, 144 (number 48)
Photographs / Drawings:
Dulm, J. van et al – Atlas Japanse Kampen, Volume II, 2002, p. 100 (aerial photo)
Moesson magazine 33/20 (June 15, 1989), p. 8