September 10, 2012
Camp Location
The Soekaboemisch Opvoedingsgesticht (SOG – Soekaboemi Reformatory Institute) was located at Tjipelangweg 6, just west of the station and immediately north of the railroad tracks. There was a Jongenshuis (Boys’ House) and about 500 meters to the west, a Meisjeshuis (Girls’ House).
The camp was located in the Meisjeshuis.
Dutch Camp Leader
Aletta Berkholst
Date | Arrived from | Transferred to | Number in Transport | Total Number in Camp | Individual Type |
Jan. 1, 1943 | Surrounding Areas | 200 | 200 | w ch (1) |
2-Jul-43 | Soekaboemi: Juliana-School | 300 | 500 | w ch |
10-Jul-43 | Bandoeng: Kareës | 500 | 0 | w ch |
Abbreviations / Notes
ch=children, w=women
(1) From families associated with various companies, including BPM and Bangka Billiton Mij.
Beekhuis, H. et al. – Atlas Bersiapkampen, 2009, p. 60 (events during the Bersiap period)
Berkholst, Aletta – De Soekaboemische Opvoedingsgestichten in de oorlogsjaren 1942 t/m 1946
Diver, J. – Brief aan de redactie, Moesson magazine 41/5 (November 15, 1996)
Dulm, J. van et al. – Atlas Japanse Kampen, Volume I, 2000, p. 109; Volume II, 2002, p. 92
Gelder-Topman, E. – personal communications (Bersiap)
Mahler, E. – De witte karbouw, 1992, pp. 29-31
Meulmeester, A. de – personal communications
Vuyk, Beb – De eigen wereld en die andere, 1978
Wallenburg-Laban, A.van – personal communications
Beekhuis, H. et al. – Atlas Bersiapkampen, 2009, p. 60 (front façade photo, 2007)
Dulm, J. van et al. – Atlas Japanse Kampen, Volume I, 2000, p. 109 (Jongenshuis); Volume II, p. 92 (Meisjeshuis)
Knaud, J.M. – Herinneringen aan Soekaboemi, 1976