
October 15, 2012

ALRI Angkatan Laut Republik Indonesia (name of the Indonesian Navy from October 5, 1945 to 1970)
APWI Allied Prisoners of War and Internees (former internees of Japanese camps)
AS Algemene Secretarie van de Nederlands-Indische Regeering (Secretary General of the Netherlands East Indies government – part of the NA archives)
BAT British American Tobacco
BKR Badan Keamanan Rakjat (People’s Security Corps – later the Indonesian National Armed Forces)
BPM Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij – (English: Batavian Oil Company)
BuZa Buitenlandse Zaken (Foreign Affairs Office in The Hague)
CBG Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie (Central Bureau for Genealogy, located in The Hague)
CBZ Centraal Burger Ziekenhuis (Central City Hospital)
CIB Centraal InformatieBureau (Central Information Bureau, part of NIRK)
DP Displaced Persons
FIC Fratrum Immaculatae Conceptionis (Brothers of the Immaculate Conception)
HBS Hogere Burger-School (high school)
HCS Hollands-Chinese School (Dutch-Chinese school)
IC Indische Collectie (Netherlands East Indies Collection – part of NIOD archives)
IFTU Inhabitants Friendly to Us (Indo-Europeans not interned in Japanese camps)
IGV Indische Genealogische Vereniging (Netherlands East Indies Genealogical Association in The Hague)
IRK Internationale Rode Kruis (International Red Cross in Geneva)
KDP Kantoor Displaced Persons (Center for Displaced Persons)
KIT Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen (Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam)
KITLV Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies in Leiden)
KNIL Koninklijk Nederlands-Indisch Leger (Royal Netherlands East Indies Army)
KPM Koninklijke Pakketvaart-Maatschappij (Royal Packet Navigation Company, a major Dutch shipping company)
LCT Landing Craft Tank
LOG Lands Opvoedings Gesticht (government-run childcare institution / reformatory school)
MULO Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs (middle or junior high school)
NA Nationaal Archief (National Archives in The Hague)
NB Noorderbreedte (“north latitude” map coordinates)
NEFIS Netherlands Forces Intelligence Service
NEI Netherlands East Indies
NIAS Nederlands-Indische Artsen-School (Netherlands East Indies College of Medicine)
NICA Netherlands-Indies Civil Administration
NIOD Nederlands Instituut voor OorlogsDocumentatie (Netherland Institute for War Documentation)
Note: NIOD archive numbers have 6 digits.
NIRK Nederlands-Indische Rode Kruis (Netherlands East Indies Red Cross in Batavia)
NN No name / author or source unknown
NRK Nederlandse Rode Kruis (Netherlands Red Cross)
NSB Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging (“Nationalist-Socialist Movement” – Dutch pro-Nazi party)
ODO Opsporingsdienst Overledenen (Bureau of Death Investigation, Department of Justice)
OGS OorlogsGravenStichting (Netherlands War Graves Foundation in The Hague)
OL Oosterlengte (“east longitude” map coordinates)
OLV Onze Lieve Vrouw (“Our Dear Lady” – Dutch version of “Our Lady”)
OP Overzeese Pensioenen (Overseas Pensions – part of the SAIP archives)
PETA Pembela Tanah Air (Defenders of the Homeland – Indonesian)
PAGI Persaudaraan Asia Gelongan Indo (pro-Japanese organization for Indo-Europeans)
PGH Procureur-Generaal van het Hooggerechtshof (Attorney-General of the Supreme Court – part of the NA archives)
PID Politieke Inlichtingen-Dienst (Political Intelligence Service)
POW Prisoner of War
PMI Palang Merah Indonesia (Indonesian Red Cross)
pppd per person per day (food intake)
RAPWI Recovery of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees
RIOD Rijks Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (Royal Institute for War Documentation) – former name of NIOD. RIOD archive numbers had 4 digits. Many have been changed to 6-digit NIOD numbers.
RK Rode Kruis (Red Cross)
SAIP Stichting Administratie Indonesische Pensioenen (Netherlands East Indies Pension Administration) – pension administration foundation for those who served in the Netherlands East Indies
SMN Stoomvaart Maatschappij Nederland (Netherlands Steamship Company)
SS Staatsspoorwegen (State Railways)
TKR Tentara Keamanan Rakjat (People’s Security Army – Indonesian)
TNI Tentara Nasional Indonesia (Indonesian National Army)
TRI Tentara Republik Indonesia (Army of the Indonesian Republic)
UA Utrechts Archief (Utrecht Archives in Utrecht, the Netherlands)
VOC Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (Dutch East India Company)
WL Westerlengte (“west longitude” map coordinates)
WNI Warga Negara Indonesia (Indonesian Citizenship)
WOII Tweede Wereldoorlog (World War II)
ZB Zuiderbreedte (“south latitude” map coordinates)